Reconnect with Spirit and Claim your Creativity!
In my workshops, I entwine the powers of shamanism and artistic creation. The two complement each other beautifully. These workshops can facilitate deep healing and an awakening to a new chapter. During the workshop, you will be held in a sacred and nurturing space allowing you to heal your soul wounds whilst expressing your creativity. When I run these workshops, I consider myself to be a Creativity Midwife because, really, that’s how it feels. I will be there to help you to birth your creation into the world. The birthing process is not always easy but I will always be on hand.
About the Workshops
Sharyn has woven her two amazing gifts together - art and shamanism. Her natural ability to take you on shamanic journeys lends beautifully to empowering you to connect with your own inner artist. Her gentle, encouraging, and beautiful nature encourages you through the tough moments. Sharyn's gifts as an artist shine out of her and they are inspiring. She has amazing self-taught unique techniques that enable, even the most novice artist, to be proud of the end results.
The workshop journeys help to break down limiting beliefs and conditioning such as: "I can't paint", "I'm not good enough", "I'm not creative". It turns these beliefs into shock and pride by the end accomplishment and you get to take your painting home to inspire others around you to find their 'inner artist' too. The shamanic techniques and journeys also help reawaken the creative energy for people who have stopped painting and yearn to return but can't move past the blocks. All the blocks that people have toward their creativity are 'self-made' which also means that they can be 'self-undone'.
Sharyn holds a beautiful space in which you feel safe to begin unravelling. Everyone can paint. Everyone has creative talents. If you have a desire to paint, to be creative and to heal emotional trauma then this is the course for you.
"I feel I am discovering a whole new world thanks to your course!" (AB)
Workshops in 2022 - Sign up now as places are limited - you won't be disappointed
Here's what people say about the workshops:
This workshop was a magical journey of discovery. Sharyn is a wise and gentle guide, and the structure of the days was excellent, with a great balance of journeying, reflection and practical work. Sharyn shared lots of wisdom and techniques in a sensitive and supportive way, so that even the most inexperienced and nervous painter could flourish and feel supported. It was a delight to see everyone progressing, and to see the final pieces emerge. Thanks to the supportive and positive atmosphere, a lot of deep changes took place, and everyone bonded so well as a group. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is interested in reclaiming their creativity, joy and power. Thank you Sharyn. (EJ)
This is an art workshop with a difference, Sharyn sets up the whole space as a loving embrace where you feel safe to explore your artistic talents (even if you thought you had none), Sharyn helps you to unleash and express your hidden self through art and Norse shamanic journeying which even if you have never journeyed before is easy to follow with her instruction and guidance. Sharyn packs a lot into this weekend course and we also visited a long barrow which was the first time I've been to one and it was a wonderful experience sitting in the dark embrace of mother earth whilst journeying for healing. This workshop is a fabulous mix of art and shamanic journey work with generous supplies of all the materials needed to create a beautifully meaningful work of art and deep healing through the journeying with Norse goddesses and your finding your Fylgja to assist you on your journeying. Can't wait for my next workshop! (SW)
Wow what an incredible experience. I went through quite a huge process which enabled me to heal a part of my damaged inner child. The shamanic journeys took me to deep buried aspects of my childhood where I never felt good enough especially with art and drawing. My lack of self-confidence in this area was made worse around the ages of 10-12 when other people made fun of my painting attempts in school. Sadly I didn't have the strength to know that everyone can paint so I shut myself off from it telling myself that I'm stupid and that I can't do it. These self-defeating and critical voices came back with a vengeance but this time they came to heal and I was able to tell my inner girl that she is good enough and that she is welcome and I am here to hold her whilst she feels the pain and injustice of it all. I came away with a painting that I am so proud of, I love my piece and I have it on my dresser for all to see. Thank you Sharyn for holding such an amazing class, I had no idea such a huge healing process would start from this. I can't wait for more. (EH)
I learned such a lot, both shamanically and artistically. Your fantastic welcome and enthusiasm ensured that I felt at ease right from the start, and as a group we all seemed to bond very quickly. I found journeying very enjoyable and enlightening, and through this you have given me the confidence to move forward along a pathway that is becoming clearer by the day. Your gentle, non-judgemental guidance has certainly had a huge impact on me. I can honestly say that my general attitude is more buoyant as a result of the workshop, and my confidence in my abilities as a painter have increased tenfold. The centre where you held the workshop had a fantastic energy and welcoming atmosphere which also helped us all settle quickly, and the energies around Glastonbury, and especially the gentle energy surrounding "our tree" were fantastic. (IL)
2022 Shamanic Art Workshops in Glastonbury
Painting with Shadows - 8th and 9th October 2022
In this weekend workshop, we will utilise the energies at this dark and liminal time of year to journey inwards. You will be guided through a creative process to help you to produce a piece of sacred art and in the process bring about healing. We will journey into the Underworld to bring back messages, images, and wisdom. You will learn painting techniques as you deepen your connection with spirit. We will be working with Power Animals, guides, runic energies, and exploring elements of Northern Tradition shamanism. Connecting with Ancestors and seeking healing and wisdom from the Dark Goddess.
£185 for the weekend which includes all art materials plus transport for the Saturday evening Utiseta ritual at a Neolithic site. There are just 3 spaces left.
"This was an amazing workshop weekend. I loved the balance of shamanic journeying and painting. The space was perfect with a nice kitchen area for breaks. The trip to the long barrow was very special, being able to have undisturbed time there was something I will never forget. We also had the use of such a variety of art materials and great instruction and demo's on how to produce different effects. I had a truly wonderful time and produced a painting with great personal meaning. I am so grateful to have had this experience." CM
Please contact me to reserve your space or to find out more information.
A short video about The Visual Journey 2018
Here's a little video I made after The Visual Journey in June 2017
The sacred Isle of Avalon, home to Gwyn Ap Nudd.