Old English Poetry
Here, for something a little different, is my interpretation of one of the earliest of English poems, the enigmatic Wulf and Eadwacer.
Commission Your Very Own Bespoke Hand Painted Shamanic Drum
If you would like your very own unique, beautiful painted shamanic drum then I know I can help you. I just love painting drums for my clients. I put love and energy into each one as I bring it to life. Each drum takes hours of intricate work as I connect with the spirit of the drum and the Spirit Animal. You can see more on my Shamanic Drums page. I AM SORRY BUT DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES, COMMISSIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

Workshops in Glastonbury
All workshops for 2022 are now finished. Watch this space for any new workshops in 2023.
All details of my Workshops page
Words from a participant on one of my recent workshops:
"This workshop was magical and transformative: I would recommend it highly to anyone who wants to explore their creativity and/or connect with shamanic traditions and further their personal growth. Sharyn is a gentle, respectful, and wise teacher who creates a safe and magical space for personal transformation through artwork and shamanism. She balances wisdom about the Norse tradition with powerful shamanic journeys and technical expertise in how to use different painting techniques. There is no judgment of the artwork, so this allows everyone to blossom, and even someone who is very inexperienced and nervous about creating art would feel supported to shine and produce something they can be proud of. The planning of the event was excellent and included a visit to an ancient long barrow, which really was very special and inspiring. A powerful and wonderful experience for me and I would encourage anyone to take this course as it will change how you see yourself and your creative gifts."
Now on Patreon
I now have a Patreon account which is for those who are interested in supporting the work I do to bring Anglo Saxon spirituality alive in my latest YouTube series.
You can find my Patreon page here and see what exciting rewards I am offering.
I bring you my Rune series “Wyrdwayz” which looks at the Anglo Saxon Runes
The latest episode is now out which looks at the rune Gyfu. This is the third part of the episode and in this part, I talk about the age-old Indo-European tradition of placing offerings into liminal watery spaces. Using Scandinavia as a comparison, I look at how this practice persisted in England beyond the migration period and into the Viking period.